CAMMSE’s three Ph.D. students will attend the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Research Symposium and make presentations based on the research findings
Event Date:April 9, 2021 (All day) CAMMSE’s three Ph.D. students will attend the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Graduate Research Symposium and make presentations based on the research findings. Detailed information is provided below: 1. Song, L. and Fan, W., Impacts of CAVs on Transfer-Based DQN Controlled Signal Intersections, Department of Civil and Environmental […]
CAMMSE INES PhD student Shaojie Liu won the Third Place Award
CAMMSE INES PhD student Shaojie Liu won the Third Place Award in the 2021 Graduate Research Symposium hosted by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UNC Charlotte on April 9, 2021. Detailed information is provided as follows: Title: The Impact of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles on the Performance of Superstreet Presenter: Shaojie Liu […]
CAMMSE SEMI-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (SAPR#4) (OCTOBER 01, 2018 – MARCH 30, 2019) was successfully submitted to USDOT
Event Date:April 26, 2019 (All day) SEMI-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (SAPR#4) (OCTOBER 01, 2018 – MARCH 30, 2019) USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center Semi-Annual Progress Report #4
CAMMSE SEMI-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (SAPR#4) (OCTOBER 01, 2018 – MARCH 30, 2019) was successfully submitted to USDOT
SEMI-ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT (SAPR#4) (OCTOBER 01, 2018 – MARCH 30, 2019) USDOT Tier 1 University Transportation Center Semi-Annual Progress Report #4