Conducting outreach activities at the Central Cabarrus High School
Event Date:March 21, 2019 (All day) Location:Concord, North Carolina On March 21, 2019, Dr. Miguel Pando, CAMMSE Assistant Director of Education and Outreach, and Dr. David Weggel gave presentation, “An Introduction to Transportation: Uses, Modes, Energy, and the Environment”, to two 9th-grade class blocks (20 students and 21 students, respectively) at Central Cabarrus High School, […]
CAMMSE Director Dr. Wei Fan attended the Second Annual National Mobility Summit of US DOT University Transportation Centers
Event Date:April 11, 2019 (All day) Location:Washington, D.C. CAMMSE Director Dr. Wei Fan attended the Second Annual National Mobility Summit of US DOT University Transportation Centers, April 11, 2019, Washington, D.C. which was organized by Mobility 21, a National UTC by Carnegie Mellon University. Representing CAMMSE, he participated in the university research panel and gave […]